Sensitivity Analysis of Lumped-Parameter Thermal Networks for the Experimental Calibration of eMotor Models |
On the Generalized Bézier-Based Integration Approach for Co-Simulation Applications |
Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Synthesis of Extended Kalman Filters for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots Modeled through DAEs |
A Benchmark Problem with Singularities for Multibody System Dynamics Formulations with Constraints |
Eigenstructure Assignment and Compensation of Explicit Co-Simulation Problems |
Energy-Based Monitoring and Correction to Enhance the Accuracy and Stability of Explicit Co-Simulation |
Thermal Parameter and State Estimation for Digital Twins of E-Powertrain Components |
On the Co-simulation of Multibody Systems and Hydraulic Dynamics |
Model-Based Coupling for Co-Simulation of Robotic Contact Tasks |
Effect of Gravity in Wheel/Terrain Interaction Models |
Assessment of Methods for the Real-Time Simulation of Electronic and Thermal Circuits |
Performance Indicators for Wheeled Robots Traversing Obstacles |
Co-simulation of Multibody Systems with Contact Using Reduced Interface Models |
An Automated Methodology to Select Functional Co-simulation Configurations |
Kinematic Modelling and State Estimation of Exploration Rovers |
Index-3 Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Efficient Multibody System Dynamics Simulations: Theory and Parallel Implementation |
Energy-Leak Monitoring and Correction to Enhance Stability in the Co-simulation of Mechanical Systems |
Direct Sensitivity Analysis of Multibody Systems with Holonomic and Nonholonomic Constraints via an Index-3 Augmented Lagrangian Formulation with Projections |
Multibody System Dynamics Interface Modelling for Stable Multirate Co-simulation of Multiphysics Systems |
Use of Performance Indicators in the Analysis of Running Gait Impacts |
Assessment of Linearization Approaches for Multibody Dynamics Formulations |
Real-Time Simulation of Cable Pay-out and Reel-in with Towed Fishing Gears |
Behaviour of Augmented Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Multibody Dynamics in the Proximity of Singular Configurations |
Mobility Evaluation of Wheeled Robots on Soft Terrain: Effect of Internal Force Distribution |
Load Assessment and Analysis of Impacts in Multibody Systems |
A Novel Concept for Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Wheeled Rovers |
Determination of Holonomic and Nonholonomic Constraint Reactions in an Index-3 Augmented Lagrangian Formulation with Velocity and Acceleration Projections |
Use of Penalty Formulations in Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of Redundantly Constrained Multibody Systems |
On the Effect of Multi-rate Co-simulation Techniques in the Efficiency and Accuracy of Multibody System Dynamics |
Efficient Coupling of Multibody Software with Numerical Computing Environments and Block Diagram Simulators |
A Collaborative Benchmarking Framework for Multibody System Dynamics |
Non-Intrusive Parallelization of Multibody System Dynamic Simulations |
On the Effect of Linear Algebra Implementations in Real-Time Multibody System Dynamics |
Use of Active Steering in Railway Bogies to Reduce Rail Corrugation on Curves |
Performance and Application Criteria of Two Fast Formulations for Flexible Multibody Dynamics |
Interoperability and Neutral Data Formats in Multibody System Simulation |
Mobility Assessment of Wheeled Robots Operating on Soft Terrain
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles,
Field and Service Robotics, vol. 113 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, ed. by D. S. Wettergreen and T. D. Barfoot, pp. 331-344, Springer, 2016.
2024 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA), Leuven, Belgium, September 2024.
Co-simulation Correction in Multibody Systems through Eigenstructure Assignment
D. Richiedei, I. Tamellin, F. González. Proceedings, pp. 3458-3469.
26th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Torino, Italy, September 2024.
Consideration of Thermal Ageing in Digital Twins of Automotive-Grade Electric Motors
J. García-Urbieta, U. Linazasoro, P. Díaz, I. García, A. García, S. Armentia, A. J. Rodríguez, F. González.
ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2024). Washington DC, USA, August 2024.
Assessment of Sources of Error in a Cyber-Physical Test Bench for Electric Motors
A. J. Rodríguez, P. Díaz, Ó. López, F. González. Technical presentation IDETC2024-148064.
30th International Congress on Sound & Vibration (ICSV). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2024.
Using Eigenstructure Assignment for Spillover Compensation in Explicit Co-Simulation of Linear Vibrating Systems
D. Richiedei, I. Tamellin, F. González.
Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium. Guimarães, Portugal, June 2024.
Development of Kalman Filter Approaches for the Monitoring of Mechanical Clearances
A. J. Rodríguez, E. Sanjurjo, M. Cabello, M. López-Lombardero, P. Díaz, F. González, M. Á. Naya.
Book of abstracts, ID 161, pp. 363 - 364.
The 7th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. Madison, WI, USA, June 2024.
Inferring Subsystem Dynamics from Data In Explicit Co-Simulation of Mechanical Systems
M. Pikulinski, P. Malczyk, A. J. Rodríguez, F. González.
Effectiveness, Robustness, and Applicability of Formulations for Multibody Dynamics: A Comparative Study
E. Koutras, A. J. Rodríguez, F. González, S. Natsiavas, J. Cuadrado.
13th Electric Drives Production Conference, Regensburg, Germany, November 2023.
Efficient Calibration of LPTN Models for Digital Twins of ePowertrain Motors
J. García-Urbieta, P. Díaz, A. J. Rodríguez, I. García, S. Armentia, F. González.
32 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility, Aachen, Germany, October 2023.
Identification and Update of Thermal Models in Digital Twins of ePowertrain Motors
J. García-Urbieta, I. García, M. Marijuán, S. Armentia, P. Díaz, A. J. Rodríguez, F. González.
EDU Concept Development I.1.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2023. Lisbon, Portugal, July 2023.
Offline Learning Control to Improve the Accuracy of Real-Time Explicit Co-Simulation
L. Thielemans, F. González, L. Jacobs, R. Pastorino, J. Swevers.
Paper 14, book of abstracts, p. 82.
Experimental Study of the Effect of Co-Simulation Schemes on Cyber-Physical Testing
A. J. Rodríguez, E. Vázquez, C. Lourido, P. Díaz, E. Sanjurjo, U. Lugrís, F. González.
Book of abstracts, p. 155.
The 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2023). Yokohama, Japan, July 2023.
Iterative Learning Control to Reduce Coupling Error in Single-Rate Explicit Co-Simulation
L. Thielemans, L. Jacobs, F. González, J. Swevers, R. Pastorino.
The 10th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics. Tehran, Iran, November 2022.
Novel Co-Simulation Technique in the Flexible Analysis of a Parallel Robot
R. Nopour, A. Taghvaeipour, M. Mohammadi, F. González.
The 6th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. New Delhi, India, October 2022.
Multibody System Dynamics Simulation for Automotive Cyber-Physical Test Benches
J. García-Urbieta, D. J. Palomar, M. Marijuan, B. Rodríguez, F. González.
Monitoring Energy Errors in Explicit Co-Simulation Setups
B. Rodríguez, A. Zar, F. González, M. Á Naya, J. Cuadrado.
Symposium on High Performance Multibody System Simulation. Innsbruck, Austria, October 2022.
Methods for the Real-Time and Hybrid Co-Simulation of Multibody System Dynamics Applications
F. González, A. J. Rodríguez, B. Rodríguez, J. García-Urbieta.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2021. Online conference, December 2021.
Development of a Cyber-Physical Test Bench for E-Powertrain Components
B. Rodríguez, A. J. Rodríguez, D. Maceira, F. Bottero, E. Sanjurjo, U. Lugrís, M. Á. Naya, F. González, J. Cuadrado. Paper EDU-3, book of abstracts, pp. 102-103.
Synthesis of an Extended Kalman Filter for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
G. Boschetti, F. González, G. Piva, D. Richiedei, B. Rodríguez, A. Trevisani. Paper MECHATR-2-1, proceedings, pp. 277-288.
Assessment of Variable Step-Size Integration of Multibody Systems
M. Ruggiu, F. González. Paper REALTIME-5, proceedings, pp. 224-234.
1st International Conference on Machine Design (MD 2021). Porto, Portugal, September 2021.
Cyber-Physical Test Benches for Model-Based System Testing of Electric Motors
B. Rodríguez, A. J. Rodríguez, D. Maceira, E. Sanjurjo, U. Lugrís, M. Á. Naya, F. González, J. Cuadrado. Paper MD2021_25.
ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2021). Online conference, August 2021.
Automatic Differentiation in Automatic Generation of the Linearized Equations of Motion
B. Minaker, F. González. Paper IDETC2021-69118.
COSIM 2021 - International Symposium on Co-Simulation and Solver Coupling in Dynamics. Ferrol, Spain. Online conference. May 2021.
Benchmark Problems for Co-Simulation Methods
A. Zar, F. González, B. Rodríguez, A. Luaces, M. Á. Naya, J. Cuadrado. Book of abstracts, pp. 42-43.
Model-Based Interfacing in Co-Simulation
A. Peiret, A. Raoofian, F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann. Book of abstracts, p. 29.
Evaluation of Indicators for the Accuracy and Stability of Explicit
Co-Simulation Schemes
B. Rodríguez, A. Zar, B. Sputh, M. Á. Naya, F. González, R. Pastorino. Book of abstracts, pp. 7-8.
IROS 2020 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Las Vegas, NV, USA. Online conference. October 2020.
Model-Based Coupling for Co-Simulation of Robotic Contact Tasks
A. Peiret, F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann, A. Enzenhoefer.
ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2020). Online conference, August 2020.
Use of Energy Indicators in the Explicit Co-Simulation of Multibody Systems
B. Rodríguez, A. Zar, F. González, M. A. Naya, J. Cuadrado. Technical presentation.
ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2019). Anaheim, California, USA, August 2019.
Interface Models for Multirate Co-Simulation of Nonsmooth Multibody Systems
A. Peiret, J. Kövecses, F. González, M. Teichmann. Paper IDETC2019-98098.
Benchmarks for the Explicit Co-Simulation of Mechanical and Non-Mechanical Subsystems
J. Rahikainen, F. González, M. A. Naya, A. Mikkola, J. Sopanen. Technical presentation.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2019. Duisburg, Germany, July 2019.
A Test Framework for the Co-Simulation of Electric Powertrains and Vehicle Dynamics
B. Rodríguez Frade, F. González, M. A. Naya, J. Cuadrado. Paper VEHICLE-7-2.
Interface Models in Co-Simulation of Nonsmooth Multibody Systems
A. Peiret, F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann. Paper NUMMETH-5-4.
Dynamics Modelling of Rovers for State Estimation
Q. Lou, F. González, J. Kövecses. Paper MECHATR-6-2.
VIII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED 2019). Sitges, Spain, June 2019.
Real-Time Co-simulation of Mechanical Systems
A. Peiret, F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann.
NAFEMS European Conference on Multiphysics Simulation. Budapest, Hungary, October 2018.
Co-simulation of Mechanical Systems in Non-smooth Problems
A. Peiret, F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann.
XXII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. Madrid, Spain, September 2018.
Un Modelo de Cabeza-Cuello Humano para la Simulación de Impactos Balísticos (in Spanish)
F. Mouzo, F. González, U. Lugrís, J. Cuadrado.
ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2018). Québec City, Québec, Canada, August 2018.
Interfacing Multibody Dynamics Stepping Formulations in Co-Simulation Setups
A. Peiret, F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann. Technical presentation.
A Performance Indicator for Rover Obstacle Negotiation
W. Nowac, F. González, S. MacMahon, J. Kövecses. Technical presentation.
Minimal Realizations for Linear Multibody System Dynamics
B. Minaker, F. González. Technical presentation.
The 5th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2018.
Sensitivity Analysis of a Full Vehicle Model Using ALI3-P and Matrix-R Formulations
D. Dopico, A. Luaces, F. González, M. Saura. Paper 231.
Reduced Order Multibody Models for the Stable Co-Simulation of Multiphysics Systems
A.Peiret, F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann. Paper 227.
Determination of Minimal Realizations in Multibody Systems
B. Minaker, F. González. Paper 50.
The 14th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2018). Madrid, Spain, June 2018.
Including the Effect of Gravity in Wheel/Terrain Interaction Models
B. Ghotbi, L. Kovács, F. González, P. Niksirat, K. Skonieczny, J. Kövecses. Paper 78.
ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2017). Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 2017.
Benchmarking of Linearization Methods for Multibody System Dynamics
F. González, B. Minaker, P. Masarati, A. Luaces, D. Vilela, J. Cuadrado. Technical presentation.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2017. Prague, Czech Republic, June 2017.
Forward Sensitivity Analysis of the Index-3 Augmented Lagrangian Formulation with Projections
D. Dopico, F. González, A. Luaces, M. Saura, D. García-Vallejo. Paper 270.
Index-3 Divide And Conquer Algorithm For Efficient Multibody Dynamics Simulations
P. Malczyk, J. Fraczek, F. González, J. Cuadrado. Paper 161.
A Human Mannequin Head-and-Neck Multibody Model for the Simulation of High-Speed Impacts
F. González, U. Lugrís, J. Cuadrado, M. Rodríguez-Millán, M. H. Miguélez. Paper 130.
Benchmark Problems for the Linearization of Multibody Dynamics
F. González, B. Minaker, P. Masarati, A. Luaces, D. Vilela, J. Cuadrado. Paper 108.
ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2016). Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, August 2016.
On the Linearization of Multibody Dynamics Formulations
F. González, P. Masarati, J. Cuadrado. Paper IDETC2016-59227.
The 4th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. Montréal, Québec, Canada, June 2016.
Contact Analysis for Obstacle Negotiation with Planetary Exploration Rovers
S. MacMahon, F. González, B. Ghotbi, J. Kövecses. Paper 342.
Assessment of Linearization Approaches for Multibody System Dynamics
F. González, P. Masarati, J. Cuadrado. Paper 140.
Benchmarking of Multibody Formalisms for the Simulation of Manoeuvres with Underwater Cables
F. González, A. de la Prada, A. Luaces, M. González. Paper 105.
ISTVS 13th European Conference. Rome, Italy, October 2015.
Traction Maximization in Multi-Axle Wheeled Robots
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles.
ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015). Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 2015.
Effect of Redundant Actuation on the Mobility of Wheeled Robots on Unstructured Terrain
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Paper IDETC2015-47614.
A New Performance Indicator for Impact Analysis with Applications to Planetary Rovers
S. MacMahon, F. González, B. Ghotbi, J. Kövecses. Technical presentation.
Mobility of Multi-Axle Wheeled Robots on Soft Terrain
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Technical presentation.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015. Barcelona, Spain, July 2015.
Benchmarking of Augmented Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formulations for Multibody System Dynamics
F. González, D. Dopico, R. Pastorino, J. Cuadrado. Paper BENCH-7. Proceedings, pp. 1548-1559.
Analysis of Impact Manoeuvres with Planetary Exploration Rovers
S. MacMahon, F. González, B. Ghotbi and J. Kövecses. Paper AERO-165.
Effect of Multi-Pass on the Mobility of Wheeled Robots on Soft Terrain
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Paper AERO-164.
Experimental Verification of Performance Improvement Strategies for Planetary Exploration Rovers
Q. Lou, S. MacMahon, B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Paper AERO-163.
The 10th Conference on Field Service Robotics (FSR 2015). Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2015.
Mobility Assessment of Wheeled Robots Operating on Soft Terrain
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Poster presentation.
ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2014). Buffalo, New York, USA, August 2014.
Impact Analysis of Exploration Rovers
F. González, S. MacMahon, B. Ghotbi, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Technical presentation.
Observative Models for Design and Operation of Wheeled Robots
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Technical presentation.
The Role of Normal Force Distribution in Rover Performance
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Technical presentation.
The 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. Busan, Republic of Korea, July 2014.
A Method for Modelling Normal Reaction Forces between Wheel and Soft Terrain for Planetary Exploration Rovers
F. González, B. Ghotbi, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Book of abstracts, pp. 485-486.
Analysis of Obstacle Climbing Manoeuvres for Planetary Exploration Rovers
B. Ghotbi, E. Karpman, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Book of abstracts, pp. 493-494.
ICRA 2014 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Hong Kong, China, June 2014.
Effect of Normal Force Dispersion on the Mobility of Wheeled Robots Operating on Soft Soil
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Proceedings, pp. 6612-6617.
CanCNSM - The 4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics. Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 2013.
A Complementarity Formulation for Rigid Body Contact Problems and a Solution Algorithm
M. Nasri, F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann, W. Wray. Book of abstracts, paper 897.
Experimental Validation of Multibody Algorithms for Dynamics Analysis of Mobile Robots
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Book of abstracts, paper 854.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2013. Zagreb, Croatia, July 2013.
Analysis, Optimization, and Testing of Planetary Exploration Rovers: Challenges in Multibody System Modelling
B. Ghotbi, F. González, A. Azimi, W. Bird, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles, R. Mukherji. Book of abstracts, pp. 303-304.
Reaction Efforts Associated with Non-Holonomic and Rheonomic Constraints in Index-3 Augmented Lagrangian Formulations
F. González, D. Dopico, J. Cuadrado, J. Kövecses. Book of abstracts, pp. 259-260.
IROS 2012 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Vilamoura, Portugal, October 2012.
Vehicle-Terrain Interaction Models for Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Wheeled Rovers
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Proceedings, pp. 3138-3143.
The 2nd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics. Stuttgart, Germany, May 2012.
Use of Penalty Formulations in the Dynamic Simulation of Redundantly Constrained Multibody Systems
F. González, J. Kövecses. Book of abstracts, pp. 398-399.
Vehicle-Terrain Interaction Model for Analysis and Performance Evaluation
B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles. Book of abstracts, pp. 316-317.
Load Assessment and Analysis of Impacts in Multibody Systems
F. González, J. Kövecses. Book of abstracts, pp. 127-128.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2011. Brussels, Belgium, July 2011.
Techniques for the Simulation of Redundantly Constrained Multibody Systems
F. González, J. Kövecses, M. Teichmann, M. Courchesne. Book of abstracts, pp. 278-279.
7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Mini-symposium on Multibody Dynamics. Lisbon, Portugal, September 2009.
Combined Use of Matlab/Simulink and Multibody Simulation Software Based on C++
F. González, M. González, A. Mikkola. Paper 252.
ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2009). San Diego, California, USA, August 2009.
Weak Coupling of Multibody Dynamics and Block Diagram Simulation Tools
F. González, M. González, J. Cuadrado. Vol. 4, paper 86653, pp. 93-102.
Parallel Linear Equation Solvers and OpenMP in the Context of Multibody System Dynamics
F. González, A. Luaces, D. Dopico, M. González. Vol. 4, paper 86274, pp. 61-71.
3rd International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics, MuSMe 2008. San Juan, Argentina, April 2008.
Optimization of an Off-Road Bicycle with Four-Bar Linkage Rear Suspension
M. González, J. Cuadrado, F. González, D. Dopico. Paper 02.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2007. Milano, Italy, June 2007.
Efficiency of Topological and Global Formulations for Small and Large Flexible Multibody Systems
U. Lugrís, J. Cuadrado, F. González, A. Luaces. Book of abstracts, pp. 189-190.
On the Effect of Linear Algebra Implementations in Real-Time Multibody System Dynamics
M. González, F. González, D. Dopico, A. Luaces. Book of abstracts, pp. 187-188.
Real-time Simulation and Virtual Reality Applications of Multibody Systems, EUROMECH Colloquium 476. Ferrol, Spain, March 2006.
Efficiency of a Semi-Recursive Penalty Formulation when Applied to Flexible Multibody Systems
U. Lugrís, J. Cuadrado, D. Dopico, F. González.
Book of abstracts, M13-4.
Introduction to Co-Simulation
F. González.
Seminar in course Digital Twins for Automation and Collaborative Robots, Master Degree in Management Engineering, University of Padova, Vicenza, Italy. November 14 - 15, 2023.
Introduction to Co-Simulation
F. González.
The 4th International Multibody System Dynamics Workshop & Summer School, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. September 14, 2022.
Notes on Co-Simulation
F. González.
Model-Based System Testing Team, Siemens Industry Software, Leuven, Belgium. July 26, 2019.
Behaviour of Augmented Lagrangian Algorithms in the Simulation of Multibody Systems with Singular Configurations
F. González.
Mechanical Engineering Colloquium, McGill University, Montreal (QC), Canada. June 5, 2015.
Modelling and Analysis Methods and Tools to Support Mobile Robotics Design and Control
B. Ghotbi, F. González, S. MacMahon, Q. Lou, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles.
Space, Vision, and Advanced Robotics Workshop (SVAR), MDA Space Missions, Brampton (ON), Canada. June 2014.
Modelling and Analysis Methods and Tools to Support Mobile Robotics Design and Control
B. Ghotbi, F. González, A. Azimi, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles.
Space, Vision, and Advanced Robotics Workshop (SVAR), MDA Space Missions, Brampton (ON), Canada. June 2013.
Rover Modelling, Analysis, and Dynamic Simulation for Planetary Exploration
B. Ghotbi, F. González, M. Hirschkorn, A. Azimi, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles, M. Teichmann, D. Holz, M. Courchesne.
Space, Vision, and Advanced Robotics Workshop (SVAR), MDA Space Missions, Brampton (ON), Canada. June 2012.
Rover Modelling and Dynamic Simulation on Soft Terrain for Planetary Exploration
A. Azimi, M. Hirschkorn, B. Ghotbi, F. González, J. Kövecses, J. Angeles, P. Radziszewski, M. Teichmann, D. Holz, M. Courchesne, Y. Gonthier, D. Oyama.
CSA Space Day, McGill University, Montréal (QC), Canada. March 2012.
    I am currently an associate editor for Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, an international journal that publishes new fundamental and interdisciplinary contributions of mechanics and mechanics-based design in emerging application areas such as robotics, automotive, space structures, smart structures, micromachines, high-speed computing, numerical methods, structural optimization, variational methods, stability, fatigue and fracture mechanics, plasticity, and related basic applied mechanics and mechanics-based design. |
    I have been a guest editor for a special issue of Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 55, issue 1-2, 2022: Co-Simulation in Multibody System Dynamics. This thematic issue presents novel developments in co-simulation and solver coupling methods for mechanical and multiphysics problems. |
    I have reviewed papers for the following scientific journals: